
We have 6 projects which we are planning on launching in the future, but right now our focus is on Dino X Dino. We’re currently working on two key streams for Dino X Dino:

Design Phase: 2D dinosaurs, and rarities

NFT build All dinosaurs are hatched


We are working on a two-phased game strategy

  1. Games arcade with mini play to earn games. We're anticipating a new game every 4-8 weeks, each with rewards. Leaderboard winners will reap a great range of rewards

  2. A play and move to earn game: Explore A much more involved and intricate geolocation based game. Currently in design phase and we're working with a notable blockchain to bring it to market.

Other brands

  1. Momo & Yeti will be brought across to RMRK by mid 2023

  2. Alt Saints will be launched after the Explore game

Each brand has:

  • NFTs

  • Games

  • Some with animations later 2023.

01: Dino X Dino

The first phase of the Dino X Dino launch is the release of stunning limited edition NFTs: Gods, Angels, Royals & Guardians. Each of these categories has Divine twists that will be revealed as the eggs begin their gameplay.

The first games in our mini-game challenges will focus on Dino X Dino. NFT holders will get compounded rewards, based on their rarity and category.

02: Momo & Yeti

Re-launching mid-2023, and migrating across to RMRK

03: Alt Saints

We're re-launching Alt Saints after the Explore game is released.

We’re pledging 10% of our Alt Saints NFT revenue to actively support the environment.

Last updated