Business model: Utility, Gaming, CGC

05: Utility

We’ve seen the NFT boom and no one can keep up with the volume of collections and the flood of creators entering the space. Some are here to take advantage of the gold rush, others are curious bystanders and some have a long term vision that’s based on utility.

There are various types of utility, and we won’t go into great depth but enough to distinguish what we think the different types of utility are:

Art for art’s sake utility

The most common thing we’ve seen so far is NFT Art. Like physical art forms, ownership of NFT Art is speculative, subjective and often an emotional - or investment - decision.

Metaverse engagement utility

In Planet Neo's context, the NFT itself is key to engaging with the various experiences that we’re creating. Even if the person engaging in Planet Neo doesn’t own one of the NFTs, they can still participate via the Community Library, or interact with specific NFTs. NFT ownership also gives the owner special features such as whitelisting, airdrops and discounts.

Real-world utility

As we evolve our physical world offering, Planet Neo NFT holders get special real-world privileges such as discounts, member-only merchandise and when we go further into content creation, entry to virtual and physical events.

06: Games

We’re in the writing stages of gaming experiences, currently for Dino X Dino. Each Tribe will have a standalone experience, but as we grow our individual tribes, so too do we introduce varying degrees of interoperability.

The gaming experience will allow players to switch between experiences seamlessly and if you own an NFT that has map data, such as an animal, dinosaur or monster, we’ll highlight this on the map too.

Cross-tribe game experience

Imagine Pokémon Go, but you’re out searching for one of the many Alt Saints endangered animals, instead of Pokémon. This is a high level sample of the cross-tribe gaming experience:

  • Find endangered animals

    • From our extensive database of animals

    • Regular drops or seeding of in-game NFTs to find for rewards

  • Return them to their home

    • What do you need to get the animal to its home? A car? A driver? They’re coming soon, via other Tribes

    • As the animals are returned to their home, the map becomes richer and more detailed

  • Explore local culture

  • Battle against poachers

  • Challenges to restore environment

  • Use special powers or gems (spells, element-control) to superboost the challenges

  • Team up with physical world environmental organisations to solve pressing ecological and extinction challenges.

MVP to full experience

Rich gaming experiences take time to develop properly, to deliver experiences that are useful, usable and desirable. As we build out the full interactive experiences, new consoles and models are emerging that will afford us the opportunity to deliver simpler gaming experiences.

07: Community generated content (CGC)

In the future, we will learn from models similar to Stoner Cats, we’re intent on involving our community in the co-creation of the Tribes:

  • Community participation

  • Assist with the evolution our content for recognition and reward

  • The more you participate, the more rich features become available

Last updated