Business model: Purpose-driven

Each of Planet Neo's Tribes has a purpose, mapped to our mission to put heart into technology and leverage our brands to improve the planet: human, animal and ecological.

Dino X Dino’s purpose

Linked to Alt Saints, the Dino’s mission is to spread the message, “Don’t let endangered animals become extinct.” Their function in Planet Neo is a gaming role, but the NFT owners are invited to help find NFT animals around the world and to help restore their habitats.

More will be revealed as the eggs get closer to hatching; Dino Egg holders will be invited into a think-tank around how to best serve the planet, with the Dino X Dino brand.

Momo & Yeti’s purpose

Few of us have had a seamless growing up experience. Family traditions, social constructs and religious beliefs have in some shape or form created tension in our lives, as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and the battle for our own, genuine identity. We navigate sometimes hostile realities and, hopefully, emerge into our own true selves.

Monsters and mythical creatures have had enough of folklore that’s held them back for centuries and has had them retreat into hiding. That’s going to be over soon; Momo & Yet’s purpose is to retell stories of monsters and mythical creatures, and to remind collectors and participants in the Momo & Yeti world that their past doesn’t have to dictate their future.

We’re supporting creative endeavours and organisations that are committed to the mental health and overall wellbeing of youth.

You’ll soon meet Momo & Yeti: the family you wish you had.

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